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Documentation (0.1.1)
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JanusGraph Documentation
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
1. The Benefits of JanusGraph
2. Architectural Overview
3. Getting Started
II. JanusGraph Basics
4. Configuration
5. Schema and Data Modeling
6. Gremlin Query Language
7. JanusGraph Server
8. Indexing for better Performance
9. Transactions
10. JanusGraph Cache
11. Transaction Log
12. Configuration Reference
13. Common Questions
14. Technical Limitations
III. Storage Backends
15. Cassandra
16. HBase
17. Google Cloud Bigtable
18. BerkeleyDB
19. InMemory Storage Backend
IV. Index Backends
20. Search Predicates and Data Types
21. Index Parameters and Full-Text Search
22. Direct Index Query
23. Elasticsearch
24. Solr
25. Lucene
V. Advanced Topics
26. Advanced Schema
27. Eventually-Consistent Storage Backends
28. Failure & Recovery
29. Index Management
30. Bulk Loading
31. Graph Partitioning
32. Datatype and Attribute Serializer Configuration
33. JanusGraph with TinkerPop’s Hadoop-Gremlin
34. Monitoring JanusGraph
VI. JanusGraph Internals
35. JanusGraph Data Model
36. Building JanusGraph
VII. JanusGraph Development Process
37. Development Decisions
38. Branching
39. Pull Requests
40. Release Policy
VIII. Appendices
A. API Documentation (JavaDoc)
B. Version Compatibility
C. Release Notes
D. Upgrade Instructions
E. Other documentation versions